Jessica Dickenson

Jessica Dickenson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College with degrees in English and communication. She has applied her abilities working as a young marketing professional for a local university but works as a freelance writer and photographer in her spare time. She currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her husband.

Articles By Jessica Dickenson

As the semester wraps up for the holidays, many college students head home to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. However, some students may find themselves in the awkward and frustrating position of not being able to go home for the holidays.
By: Jessica Dickenson — October 26, 2022
College is the first time in many students' lives that they are independent of their parents. Becoming an independent student is not for everyone, but educating yourself on the differences and the qualifications could benefit you as you begin your educational journey!
By: Jessica Dickenson — November 2, 2023
If you are one of the unlucky ones who have lost a parent or a close loved one, we'll explore some ways to navigate this emotional journey and celebrate your achievement while honoring your late parent's memory.
If you have been selected for verification, chances are that you didn't do anything wrong and just need to complete a few steps to get your financial aid back on track.
By: Jessica Dickenson — August 9, 2022
Finding the right internship while in college can be challenging but worth it. Not only can an internship offer you invaluable career experience while still in school, but it also builds a strong professional foundation and networking opportunities for a future career. These benefits can manifest themselves both in short-term and long-term results.
By: Jessica Dickenson — May 15, 2023
It can be challenging to find the perfect graduation gift. Here are some graduation gift ideas to consider.
In this article we'll explore the significance of Native American Heritage Month and provide guidance on how college students can respect and celebrate Native American heritage.
Here are three qualities that every truly fantastic testimonial includes.
By: Jessica Dickenson — August 29, 2022
Parents and students may not always agree on the best college major. This disagreement can stem from various concerns ranging from personal experience, interests, and future career prospects. 
As a resident in a college dorm room, your rights and responsibilities are typically outlined in the housing agreement or contract you sign with the college or university. While specific rules and policies may vary between institutions, here are some common rights that students typically have as dorm residents.